Does It Sting Your Eyes?

What's that one Fistula lyric? Something like: "Surprise! I feel like shit again today!" Yep. That pretty much sums things up right now... Not sleeping well and it's definitely taking a toll mentally and physically.

Fucked up nightmares non-stop. Depression. Anxiety. Paranoia. And kind just wanna be held while I cry, but I'm six foot two and two hundred and fifty pounds of pissed-off space-viking so I'm expected to be strong and maintain.

So I do.

So I will.

So it goes.


U-Men - I’ve always heard that the U-Men albums pale in comparison to their live sets, but they called it quits when I was like 9 years old so I guess the albums are gonna have to do. Killer noisy/ gothy/ punky skronk that is probably about as close as a band from the US has ever come to sounding like The Birthday Party.


Moura - Awesome, folky, "retro" doom from Spain with sort of a Mutterlein/ Los Natas/ Pink Floyd/ Galloping Coroners thing happening... My friend Rennie hipped me to these guys a while back so the credit for this one goes to him. Gotta say this is going real well with the grey/ rainy day today.


Rosy Finch - Same label as that Moura album. Grungy hard-rockin' doom with killer female vox and a soulful bluesy swagger. Almost like Acid King with a bit more scrungy punkoid grit to the recording... I checked this album out completely at random a few months back and wound up really digging it. Fair warning: There's a naked chick with blood-soaked tits on the album cover, so maybe wait 'til you're off work to pop the link.


Nothing Is Real - Another great recommendation from my friend Rennie. Zonked sludgy/ psychedelic noiserock that kinda reminds me of Thrones or Meatjack if they were a 90's Trance Syndicate band who listed to a lot of "Sky Valley" era Kyuss.

This shit makes me wanna move to the desert and start a doomsday cult.


Narrows - Grungy alterna-dirge from Washington State. Imagine something like Green River, Rein Sanction, or Tad slowed down to a 40bpm crawl and you have a pretty good idea of what’s happening here. Also kinda reminds me of Codeine with the distortion cranked.


Thergothon - Genre defining Funeral Doom from Finland circa 1994.


Omination - Unbelievably massive funeral doom from Tunisia. Probably my album of the year at the time of this writing. I'm such a fucking sucker for doom bands that use piano and organ.


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