Like the City

Don't have much of a preamble today, but man, the Elektron Model: Cycles sounds fucking rad... Need to read the manual and dig a bit deeper into the sequencer but already feeling like we can definitely use this thing. sounds killer against pitched down scrap metal hits and clickity-clackity Big Black style drum patterns off the 707.


Galvanizer - Hey! Do you like that 90's German band Blood? Cool, you'll fucking love this... Covers pretty similar ground to Christbait/ O Agios Pethane/ Mental Conflicts, with the main difference being the slightly raspier vocals here, and the fact these guys are from Finland not Germany.


Fatum Elisum - Woozy funeral doom with just a touch of "suicidal" black metal, music reminds me of Bethlehem, My Dying Bride, and maybe a bit of Reverend Bizarre thrown in a blender... Singer has a weird range slipping from growls into snarls and more often than not into off-key clean singing that sorta sounds like a cross between Lee Dorrian and Scott Kelly.


Summoning - I know they're a pretty big deal to a lot of people but I spent like 20 years not giving these guys the time of day until I read an interview with one member where he came right out and said he hated nazis so I decided to give the music another chance... Their use of keyboards will probably never be my thing but honestly the heavy parts are much better than I remember and there are tracks I think are pretty cool.


Bal-Sagoth - THE RAVENS ARE ON THE WING!!!!! Hahahah. I actually saw Bal-Sagoth live back in the day, thought they were musically terrible but they cracked me and my buddy Nick up so hard that we actually wound up sorta enjoying the show. Nowadays days I listen to them every once in a while because they remind me of hanging out with Nick.


Iskra - Hard-left leaning black metal/ crust from the frozen north (Canada). I was stoked when I first ran across this band because they sounded nasty but their politics weren't a total bummer.


Fuckmorgue - This album is one of my favorite things EVER... Picture a cross between crust punk, PG.99, black metal, Systral, and the tolerable side of what I guess one might call "screamo" and top it off with a female singer who sounds like she was recorded while in the process of having a complete and total nervous fucking breakdown.

Always wish they had managed more than just one album.



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