Catacomb Hecatomb

Blah blah preamble blah blah. Does anyone even read this fucking thing? I'm busy recording today so I'm just gonna skip this...


Slimelord - Killer sludgy death from the depths of some dank, moldy, basement somewhere. Excessive reverb gives this one a really gross humid vibe which is something I pretty much always dig.


Thorns of the Carrion - Doomy blackened/ atmospheric DM circa 94, huge favorite of mine back when I was in high school. Dusted it off earlier this week and it’s been in pretty heavy rotation ever since. Their second album went in a more gothic/ funeral doom/ black metal direction, but it's still pretty decent if you're in the right mood.


Sanity's Dawn - Gore splattered German death/ grind topped off with what have gotta be some of the most demented vocals ever recorded. If you dig stuff like Regurgitate you’ll fucking love this.


Dahmer - Man, I hadn’t though of Dahmer in a minute, but came across this disc while I was moving my shelves around a while back and fell in love all over again. Basically Assuck, but Canadian and obsessed with serial killers. Cover is NSFW so click at own risk.


Divine Eve - Sabbathy death doom from early 90's Texas. Works both sides of the equation in a pretty different way than I've heard anyone else do it. One of my favorite demos of all time.


The Black Dahlia Murder - Sometimes I like things that "other people" like, and a different group of "other people" get mad about it because "other people" liking things makes those things somehow less "cool" than things that fewer people like... Boo fucking hoo.

Man, liking metal is fucking exhausting sometimes.

At any rate, I've been on kind of a thrashy/ uptempo melodeath kick lately and these guys do that thing rather fucking well.



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