
Got some sleep last night... Still feel pretty shaky, but I'm hanging in there. Sleep helped. Food will probably help. Might take a walk... We'll see.


Dirge - Super heavy Aztec themed melodic Sludge/ Death from Mumbai India.

First impression of this was that the desperate raspy vocals sorta reminded me of Cult of Luna/ Heaven Shall Burn which is not at all what I was expecting based on the description. But holy crap... Some of the riffs on this thing are fucking massive... Almost winds up sounding like the bastard child of Eyehategod and Bolt Thrower with a hint of the above mentioned Cult of Luna and the occasional Crowbar style melodic lead thrown down over top. 

Yeah, damn. This album is way better than I expected. Great bass tone too, whenever it manages to peek out through the din.

Might wanna rethink the name though guys. Since there’s been a French band operating under the name Dirge for like 20 years now…


Xolotl - Rip-roaring Mayan themed black metal with some of the raspiest vocals Ive ever heard. Chick sounds like she's choking to death on a mouthful of rusty fishing hooks. Got this album for $2 a couple years ago and still throw it on fairly often.


Mictlan - Weirdo folk-flecked tribal/ thrashy/ old-school DM from mid 90's Mexico. I'm always a sucker for the sound of shakers and rain-sticks which these guys use extensively. If you're ever in the mood for something that doesn't sound like much else give this one a spin.


Yaotl Mictlan - Continuing with the vaguely Mesoamerican theme that has established itself in today's listening… Here’s some savage and strangely trippy Mayan themed black/death from Utah via Mexico. I really dig both their older albums and just noticed they released a new one last year which I must now attempt to track down.

And actually it just hit me how weird it is that a band from Mumbai India released an Aztec themed sludge album. WTF?


Exhorder - Man, that newest Exhorder album is WAY better than it has any right to be (despite a handful of dopey lyrics). Especially the Title track which has been running through my head all morning.


Body Count - It's funny how many people hate on rap metal in general and Body Count in particular, but whatever... I've been a big fan since I first heard "Born Dead" back in the mid 90's.

Seeing them live someday is a total bucket list show for me, and I will hopefully get the chance whenever COVID finally winds down...

Side note: you ever notice that when people hate on Six Feet Under they always bitch about the track they did with Ice-T? So fucking dumb... That song rules.


Hypocrisy - Wasn't expecting much but I really dig this new Hypocrisy track.


Kings X - No one under 50 years old likes this band except me, but whatever, been a big fan since I was 11 years old. Their heavier moments remind me of Rush crossed with Queensryche crossed with Helmet crossed with Fishbone circa "Give A Monkey a Brain" crossed with an amped up take on soul music? Weird on paper but it works well when I'm in the right mood.



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