High Waters

Short post today cos my ADHD is making it really hard to sit still and I kind of woke up with a headache. Might go take a walk, blow off some steam, and see if it helps.


Lungfish - There are days when I wake up and I'm just completely fucking over it in terms of noise or metal... Hate the people. Hate the gatekeeping. Hate the OCD collector mentality. Hate the thinly veiled nazi shit. Hate the cooler than thou posturing. Just wanna walk away from the whole thing and get a cabin out in the fucking woods somewhere. 

On days like that I tend to pull the plug, listen to a bunch of punk and garage type stuff, and Lungfish usually winds up heavily factored into that rotation. 


Dead Moon - Portland garage/ punk legends. I never cared for these guys when I was younger, but now I really dig them. Especially some of their gloomier tunes like "Dead in the Saddle" and "I Tried."


Nash the Slash - I've written about this guy in the past cos he's a huge favorite of mine, but sadly no one ever seems to get it... And it's weird too, 'cos I feel like I definitely know a pretty decent handful of musical weirdos who would probably really dig his stuff.

Think: 80's era Hawkwind, Chrome, Bauhaus, Gary Numan, Suicide, Silver Apples, and Devo. Crank the fuzz pedals. And give the whole thing a weird tinge of B-movie new wave horror.

If any of that seems at all appealing to you (as it damn well should if you're the sort of mutant that is likely to be reading this little webzine of mine) check the tracks "Glass Eye" and "Swing Shift" for a pretty good encapsulation of what I'm talking about.


Entombed - I honestly used to kinda hate Entombed after Clandestine except for like two tracks off Wolverine Blues, but then I saw Entombed A.D. open for Amon Amarth and it was a really good time so I decided to circle back around and check out a bunch of their later albums.

Most are much more enjoyable than I gave them credit for, and "Same Difference" kinda sounds like Entombed's version of something like Quicksand or Helmet which definitely suits my mood right now.



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