Weekly Roundup Aug, 08, 2021.

Well here we are... The old band is done. The old website is shuttered. And we're off and away to whatever comes next. Feels super weird but it was time.

Plans for the future? Yeah, we've got a few, but it's too early to talk about any of them. All I can say right now is that we're still making music together and I think we're probably gonna start releasing our own CDs? Maybe head back in the direction of being a mysterious/ anonymous project. We'll see.

Right now though, the burnout is real and I need to step back for a while. Clear my head. Take a breath. Mess with the synths. Tune up the guitars. See what happens.

Gonna try to check in with a roundup once a week until I find the motivation to set up a proper website for the zine. So, with that in mind...



Paramæcium - Mid 90's Aussie deathdoom. I guess they were a Christian band but it Doesn't hurt the music much. If you dig the first couple Paradise Lost albums you'll probably really dig this too.


The Gault - Bay area goth/ doom with membership connections to Weakling and a bunch of other heavyweights. 


Redshift - Heavy duty Tangerine Dream style synth-work from the UK. Guess they've been around since '95 or '96 but I had somehow never even heard of this stuff before stumbling across their Bandcamp the other day. Highly recommended!


Thread - Lesser known Seattle band circa 1993. Sounds like Paw riffs with Alice in Chains vocals. Probably got lost in the sauce back in the day, but with 28 years of hindsight on their side this stuff is pretty incredible.


Rein Sanction - Another older Seattle band I really dig. Sorta reminds me of the first Dinosaur Jr. album except I like the vocals here a lot better than Dino Jr... Guitar on this is next level. Mutant Hendrix-style feedback skronk.


Duma - With the global environment seemingly due to trainwreck into full blown "hell on earth" territory any day now Duma are providing maybe the only truly fitting soundtrack to what awaits us on the other side of the tipping point. These guys and Nihiloxica are my favorite things going right now.


Video Games: 

Nova Drift


Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2

Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late (cl-R)

Wild Guns Reloaded


Books/ Comics:

The Chronicles of Durham Red - 2000AD title about a mutant vampire space babe resurrected after thousands of years in cryosleep. UK comics are unfailingly weird and over the top.



Conan the Barbarian (1984)


Surviving the Game



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