Head to Wall

Well, I completely FUBAR-ed the formatting of today's post then had to retype the whole thing twice so believe me when I say this bright idea for a new webzine is already grating on my nerves HARD.

Oh well, take a breath, unclench the teeth, resist the urge to fire our laptop out the window, call it a lesson learned... and for god's sake remember not to copy/ paste stuff into blogger ever again.


Altar - Chunky chuggy DM from the Netherlands. Vocals are kind of “meh” but man… Some of the riffs on this thing are fucking awesome in their boneheaded, knuckle-dragging, simplicity. Think I paid a buck for this CD like 14 years ago? Certainly worth every penny of that.


Zeroid - Desperate German HC similar to Acme or Systral, but these guys fuse that vibe with some serious fucking WEIGHT ala His Hero Is Gone and/ or Neurosis circa “Souls At Zero.” This is legitimately some of the most ferocious shit I’ve ever heard. Why weren’t these guys a bigger deal?


Paranoia Keeps Crawling - More killer early 00’s German HC. This time from a band that sounds like the unholy (unhinged) spawn of His Hero is Gone and Breach. Insanely heavy and dissonant. Real shame they're not more widely known.


Disnihil - Ripshit thrashy hardcore from NY. It seemed like there were a million bands doing this exact thing between '00 and '05 but Disnihil were always one of the strongest proponents of the style.


The Monolith Deathcult - DM with some orchestral and electronic stuff happening around the edges. Cheesy as shit in places, but some of the riffs are killer, and to their credit these guys are actually pretty unique.


Lou Cyfer - Brazilian DM circa 1993. Sloppily played but pretty fun despite that. For whatever reason I find the spelling of their band name hysterically funny.

I mean, I get what they’re going for, but spelling it Lou Cyfer makes it sound like either a kid from the burbs who really wants to challenge you to a battle rap or some old guy with a New Jersey accent who drives a cab because he likes to talk to people.


Deadbodieseverywhere - Burly grind from CA.


Anubis Rising - Sludgy/ psychedelic crust-metal from CA. I seem to remember that these guys eventually changed their name and sorta morphed into a fairly well known band? Who the hell am I thinking of? Was it Intronaut? I legitimately don't remember... Either way the first track on this EP is pure gold, and that riff spends a lot of time stuck in my head even 20+ years after this came out. Cool tribal drums throughout and I'm always a sucker for that.


Atlas Shrugged - Awesome post-hardcore from NY... Cut from pretty much the same cloth as Burn, Die 116, Stillsuit, etc. Great riffs. Stupid band name.


The Shipping News - Indie rock/ post-hardcore from Louisville KY. Reminds me of Slint except I really like these guys and I don't particularly care for Slint. Sorta has a Fugazi vibe too.


Metroschifter - Was reminded of Metroschifter because they're on a split with The Shipping News... Any time anyone describes something as "emo" this is the kind of desperate/ jangly shit that immediately pops into my head, unfortunately it's almost never what they're actually describing. At any rate I really dig this band.


  1. Communion shared a drummer with Disnihil. nice guys, cool band.

    1. That's rad, I always really enjoyed them.

    2. on the first release they had members from Black Army Jacket. the vocalist also had a band called Get the Drill, but i'm not sure if they ever recorded anything.

    3. Man I hadn't thought about black army jacket in ages, gotta pull out 222 this afternoon.

  2. also good call on Zeroid, Charger, and Forced to Decay. snatched them up for pocket change on Discogs.


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