Jump For Joy

I'm technically on vacation, so no preamble today... Except for a vague warning that I was in a pretty 80's mood yesterday.


E-Force - Ex-Voivod "Negatron/ Phobos" era frontman doing his own thing. "His own thing" being fairly unique sounding thrash that while maybe not as flipped out as Voivod, is still pretty killer in its own right.


Trouble - First four Trouble albums are untouchably unfuckwithable in every way. Perfect fusion of Sabbath-y doom, 80's trad metal, and thrash. Super bummed to hear of Eric Wagner's passing. 


Warrior Soul - The band that kinda of bridged the chasm between hair metal and grunge, and unfortunately wound up getting largely snoozed on by both sides. I've wanted to do a death/ grind/ doom cover of this tune since like 1997.


Souls At Zero - I bought both of these albums out of a bargain bin at this tiny little record store in suburban MA when I was a freshman in high school. Still have them to this day. I get really nostalgic for that spot, but they're long gone at this point.


Crimson Glory - Strange and Beautiful is probably not their finest moment but 12 year old me thought it had a super fucking cool album cover so I've always been a fan. Reminds me of Crimson Idol era WASP with a bit of Ratt and prog rock thrown in the blender? So basically: Awful, but I still love it.


W.A.S.P. - Speaking of Crimson Idol haven't listened to WASP in a while so I'm gonna throw them on right now. This one and Headless Children might be my overall favorites? The Kill Command is probably up there too. I'm also one of the unfortunate souls that really likes KFD so I might throw that on too.


Psychotic Waltz - Early 90's Glam/ Prog Metal. Not a million miles from something like Queensryche. First album is way better than this one, but the track Mosquito has been getting stuck in my head on and off for almost three decades so this is the one I tend to listen to more often.


Funeral Fvkk - Gloomy sorta goth tinged doom from Germany. Am I tripping or does the verse riff from "Chapel of Abuse "sound like a slowed down/ doomed out version of the "Now I know you won't refuuuuse. Cos we've got so much to doooo" part of Queensryche "Operaton Mindcrime?



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