Strange Constellations

I wasn't gonna bother today, but then I did. Lucky fucking you.


Krisiun - Trillion-mile-per-hour death metal from Brazil…. I remember Krisiun being a BIG FUCKING DEAL among my circle of friends when this album came out back in the mid 90’s.

I always really liked these guys too, though maybe not quite enough to rush out and get their logo tattooed on my leg like one of my friends did… Kinda reminds me of an even more “off the rails” version of None So Vile era Cryptopsy. Hadn’t listened to this in ages, glad I threw it on today.


Deathstench - A band I was in was label-mates with these guys for a brief moment a few years ago. Still think they’re really good. A hollowed out carcass of black/ death metal rotting into a rancid pool of death industrial, noise, and dark ambient nastiness. Saw them live when we lived in PDX, they were pretty killer in a live setting as well.


Sutekh Hexen - There was a time when Sutekh Hexen was just about my favorite band in the entire fucking world, but now… Man, the albums just kind of sit on my shelf. Chalk it up to getting completely disillusioned with noise and a solid 9/10 of the people who make or listen to it.

That said, I threw this on today and definitely still hear what I liked about it. I should listen to this stuff more often.


Plague Organ - Insane droning death metal with some really strange "ritual" overtones. One of the craziest sounding things I've heard in quite a while, and one of the coolest. Music for staring out the window while a thunderstorm rolls in.


Infiltrated Mankind - Rip roaring death metal that channels more than a bit of Cryptopsy influence via the DiSalvo Whisper Supremacy/ And Then You'll Beg era. Also kind of reminds me of that Canuck deathgrind band Clearwater Deathblow. Insane fast and super heavy. Thanks to Rennie for the heads-up on these guys, this stuff rules.


Legion of the Damned - I once had a roommate who absolutely loved this band and he was kind of a moron so I always figured they sucked. Turns out they're just fine. Mid-tempo to fast DM with snarly vocals and a bit of a thrashy feel. Meat and potatoes for sure, but pretty tasty meat and potatoes.


Tartaros - Back in the mid 90's I used to have a huge problem with synths in metal. Seriously, even one fucking note of synth on your band's shitty intro and I was OUT... Now I play mostly synth so they don't bother me quite as much even if they're usually NOT something I would ever play myself.

For me, keyboard heavy black metal bands like this are like "bad" movies that I still enjoy. On some level I understand that they're low budget and cheesy as shit, but on another level they're dumb and fun and I just kinda appreciate that they tried.


Cerebral Bore - Brutal DM from Scotland. I'm legitimately pissed someone thought to call their band Cerebral Bore before me... but this rules nonetheless.


Hate - New track from this long running Polish DM band. I haven't kept up with Hate's output for probably at least the last decade, but this new song is real good. So much so that I feel like I should probably go back and check out some of the albums I missed.


Heathen - Remember that moron roommate I mentioned? This was one of his other favorite bands. I remember writing them off as "mainstream metal" but at this point in my life I don't even know what I meant by that.... They're great, guitar playing rules, not what I'm in the mood for every day but whatever. That dude was still kind of a fucking moron though.


Cradle of Filth - Their first half a dozen albums or so totally rule. Fuck what you think. Same deal as Tartaros with the synths not being anything I would ever play, but whatever, their band, their choice.


Palace of Worms - I worked with this kid for like a week and a half before I quit my job at Amoeba Records a decade or so ago. He's a misrable fucking d-bag but his music rules. Droning one man black metal with a cool gothy sense of melody. Hipstery and "cooler than thou" in the way that all those Bay Area black metal bands tend to be, but enjoyable enough despite that.



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