Blood Gutters 6x4x1

Sure drum machines have no "soul" or whatever, but you know what they beat the absolute shit out of? Every single drummer I've ever played with... They don't whine, the don't cancel practice, and if you accidentally leave one blasting for 24 hours straight they don't collapse and die.

Anyway, I listened to music today...


Khost - Heaviest band on earth continues to be heaviest band on earth.


Tzompantli - What if Mortician was a doom band? What if they swapped the horror samples out for rain sticks and those weird flutes that sound like they're screaming? What if they sang about ancient Mayan culture which is probably the most Mortal Kombat of all cultures to sing about?

It'd fucking rule that's what... 


Primitive Knot - Crusty drum machine powered Killing Joke meets Motorhawkwind? Christ, it's like someone peered into my subconscious and created literally the exact thing I've always wanted to hear.


Aeternum Infinitus - Creeped out ambient death/ black metal from the depths of some supermassive black hole somewhere. Listening to this stuff on headphones is legitimately disorienting.


Corpse Eater - I have crippling ADHD so I tend to like it when songs are 24 seconds long. Especially when they're 24 seconds of brain damaged deathgrind.


S.H.I. - Really bent sounding industrial crust from ex-Zouo personnel. The excessive use of theremin is a pretty cool touch. Shame this is vinyl only.


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