Hoax the System

Took a couple days off because we were busy recording stuff for the next THNGRVD album and I was feeling completely uninspired to write much of anything... Back today, despite the fact inspiration is still at terminally low-ebb.

Oh well, habit over motivation.

Honestly, you know why it's hard to write lately? Because I've spent the past fucking decade sorting through my bad mental wiring and learning it's better to work on shit I can control than bitch about shit I can't.

So, when I'm bummed out or pissed off I'm usually heads-down working on music. And that's where I'm at mentally so that's what I'm doing.

If you really wanna hear about it (you don't), the album will be out eventually.


Antigama - Futuristic tech-grind from Poland. Heavy dose of Voivod-inspired guitar mangle puts this stuff in a pretty different zone than most bands that do a similar thing.


Corrections House - Mike Williams from Eyehategod, Scott Kelly from Neurosis, and a couple of dudes from a couple other heavy bands (Bruce Lamont from Yakuza and Sanford Parker from Minsk I think? And maybe someone else from another band I'm forgetting?) doing a sludgy tribal take on 90's industrial. YMMV but I think this stuff is pretty killer. Reminds me of a full on metal version of Foetus or Cop Shoot Cop.


Gatecreeper - Chunky, crushing, old school DM from out in the Arizona desert somewhere... Probably nothing you haven't heard before, but I will always and forever be a sucker for this style.


Vastum - Pretty much same as above but even doomier and from CA instead of AZ. Was lucky enough to see these guys a couple times back when we lived in Oakland.


Luxurious Bags - Blurry, humid, shoegaze/ noise-pop from New England. Older stuff is noisier and more destroyed sounding while this particular album reminds me of a lower-fidelity version of the first Dinosaur Jr. album. 


Roy Montgomery - Hard to argue with a track called "The Electric Children of Hildegard Von Bingen."


Wormdoom - Brain melting psych rock from mid 90's MA. I feel like 15 year old me running across this album in a suburban MA bargain bin and buying it for a buck because the cover was cool was one of the defining moments of my musical life... Still one of my favorite albums ever, and probably the genesis of my love of heavy formless loudness.


Hair Stylistics - You ever see that 2009 Japanese movie Occult? It's pretty rad. Low budget found footage pseudo-documentary thing that starts out fairly tame but slowly spirals out into full blown Lovecraftian weirdness.

I mention it because they used chunks of this album as the soundtrack... And man, it's creepy as shit, but less in the standard frowny-faced noise/ dark ambient way, and more in the "oh god please help me reality is falling apart and everything is fucking broken" way.

Third track on this album will make the hairs on your arms stand on end.

Oh yeah, I should probably mention: The cover of this album is pretty NSFW (as well as troublingly uncanny), so maybe wait til you get home to pop the link... Actually that may not be the best idea either, since this shit will probably haunt your fucking house.

Good luck with this one, dear reader.



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