Planet of the Crossing

Just got the first really good night of sleep that I’ve been able to pull down in quite literally a couple of weeks, so I’m actually well rested for a change. Had really strange dreams. Now I’m up, and drinking a cup ‘o’ joe. 

Rain in the forecast which is nice.

Tornado warning which is maybe slightly less nice.

Might walk to the record store later?

Still in the grips of a weeks-long death metal bender.

Not much else to report this morning.



Lecherous Nocturne - Dark 'n' Brutal DM from South Carolina. One of those bands I never think of unless they pop up on shuffle, but I seem to have bought all their albums over the years so I guess I like them well enough? 


Disgorge - There was a lot of good natured disagreement amongst my small circle of high school metalhead friends as to whether Disgorge (Mex) or Disgorge (US) was the better band. The correct answer is obviously that both bands absolutely rule.

That said, my personal favorite was always Disgorge (US) mostly because of  “Cranial Impalement” and “She Lay Gutted” both of which were huge favorites of mine when they came out. Dude’s voice is still one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard.


Nile - I have kind of a problem with In The Catacombs of Nephren-Ka because I had a friend who wore that album the fuck out for me, but I’ve been coming back to Nile lately and realizing there’s actually a lot of their stuff I still really enjoy, as well as a handful of newer albums that I’m just now hearing for the first time. Blast parts are decent but man, when they shift gears and slow it down for one of their creepy Incantation-ish sections … Pure gold.

Keyboards they use are still fucking wack though.


Havohej - Heavy drums doused in an avalanche of slimy black glorp that might have once been synth? Bass guitar? Electronic noise? Who the fuck knows. The musical equivalent of a badly decomposed whale carcass washed up on a beach somewhere.


Lost Soul - Early 00's Polish DM. Another CD I noticed on my shelves while I was looking for something else. Threw it on this morning because why not, and it's definitely better than I remember… Has kind of a Vader/ Cryptopsy/ Kataklysm thing happening which definitely suits my mood today.


Origin - Always thought Origin were kind of overrated, but I came back to them recently and they caught me in the right mood. Mindless hyper-blasting destruction. No melody. No particularly coherent songwritng. No rational thought. Just inhumanly crushing and impossibly fassssssst.



Went to bed early and didn't watch one last night, sorry.


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