Prophetic Visions

No one asked but we're not in the part of Philly that flooded, nor the part that got hit by a huge tornado, so I guess there's no reason for me to skip a day.



Opium Warlords - One man doom from Albert Witchfinder of Reverend Bizarre. This track starts out in Om, Pink Floyd, and Crow Tongue/ Stone Breath hypno-folk-dirge territory then kicks in all monolithic and heavy about half way through.


Albatwitch - Mentioning Stone Breath just now reminded me that I hadn't listened to Albatwitch in a while. Weirdo doom/ folk/ noise/ black metal from the Stone Breath guy and (I think?) one of the guys from The Owls Are Not What They Seem. Anti-corporation rural doomsday cult vibes.


The Owls Are Not What They Seem - Massive backwoods ritual black/ drone/ doom. These guys were probably my pound for pound favorite band on earth back in 2016, but then I took a years-long break from music and they kind of slipped through a crack in my brain... Listening to that Albatwitch album jogged my memory so I pulled this newer album off the shelf and threw it on the pile for today.


Violent Party - Completely flipped out sci-fi noise/ crust from PDX. Think: Confuse, Lebenden Toten, or the Wankys, with the terrifying sheets of guitar feedback replaced by equally terrifying synths and oscillators.


Nu-kle-ar Blast Suntan - More oddball crust from PDX with the guitars producing FAR more sci-fi lab sounds and jet engine noise than anything resembling music... First thing that came to mind when I heard these guys (and gal) was "G.I.S.M. gone prog" which is utterly insane but one of my favorite things going right now... I'm pissed they don't have shirts in my size.


Matsunaga Was Right - Picked up a physical copy of the CD over at Vinyl Altar yesterday so it's back in heavy rotation today. Ohio's undisputed kings of whirlwind deathmatch grind.

Think: Agoraphobic Nosebleed armed with florescent-light-tubes and a pizza cutter looking to turn you into a frozen corpse stuffed with barbed wire.

Bang Bang!


Duma - Kenya’s finest otherworldly tribal spazzout unit… Man, I sure hope this single heralds the approach of a new album from these guys.


Monumentum Damnati - Theatrical black metal/ doom from the midwest. Reminds me of November's Doom/ Paradise Lost/ Opeth crossed with early/ mid Cradle of Filth which I'm actually surprisingly in the mood for right now. The creepy ancient looking Lich/ Ringwraith masks the band members wear are a cool touch too.



Mushihimesama - WTF?! I swear I'm actually getting worse at this stupid fucking game... 1cc remains tantalizingly out of reach.


Comics/ Books:

Nothing yet today. If I have a minute later I might try to plow through a couple of Thomas Ligotti stories? Been meaning to reread at least The Tsalal.



Late 70s made for TV Doctor Strange Movie that I had no idea actually existed before last night and is every bit as hilariously bad as I had hoped.


De Johnsons - Xangadix lives.



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