
I had this whole long preamble written but then I realized most of it boiled down to just bitching about flaky people and honestly who fucking cares?

Sometimes people flake out. Sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes you spend five years and learn to play drums mostly because you’re pissed at someone who flaked on playing drums for you.

End of the day you just do your thing, try not to get bitter, and keep pushing forward because it beats doing whatever the fuck other “grown ups” do.



Lebenden Toten - Noise damaged crust from PDX. All their stuff is varying degrees of rad but this 12” is something really special... Sounds absolutely catastrophic.


Blood Incantation - Totally fucking bent “cosmic” DM from Colorado. Kinda does the Gorguts/ Incantation/ Immolation dissonant thing that is so popular right now, but I hear a lot of Death (FL) and Monstrosity in this stuff too. I definitely get the hype, they're really good.


Jesus of Nazareth - It takes a whole lot for me to say something sounds even kind of frightening... But fuck me, this JoN shit sounds absolutely terrifying. Machine augmented digi-noisegrind shot through with creepy ambient textures and eruptions of scouring electronic noise. Their collab/ split with Exploding Meth Lab is an all time favorite of mine and this CD rules as well.


Galerna - Heavy duty metal-crust from Spain. Imagine Tom Warrior fronting Motorhead on a serious Discharge/ Entombed bender and you've got a pretty good idea of what's happening here. Nothing you probably haven't heard before, but I honestly really dig this album.


Killgasm - Black metal can be kind of hit or miss for me, or at the very least I have to be in a pretty particular mood for most of it to “click”… But when it's black metal that borders on deathgrind and threatens, at any moment, to fly off the rails and trainwreck into a maelstrom of unhinged satanic wharrrgarrbl ala Nuclear Death/ Sadistik Exekution? Sign me the fuck up.


Video Games:

Last Bade 2 - I feel like what 3rd Strike is to Street Fighter and Garou is to KoF this game is to Samurai Showdown… Sorta… Something like that anyway. Played this a lot back in the day and it’s been fun to come back around and play it with DD lately.


Comics/ Books:

Durham Red - Omega Solution - Second of five pulpy action sci-fi novels based on the 2000ad vampire bounty hunter. Dumb and fun.


70s era Doctor Strange - All time favorite era of my all time favorite comic.



Nothing tonight. Need sleep.


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