Void into Nonvoid


Well, I finally gave facebook the 'ol pressure-bolt. Feels weird, but man... Seeing all the crazy antivaxx, anti-science, and he-man patriotic/ religious/ anti-abortion "fuck your feelings" bullshit that was popping off on my feed non-stop made it pretty clear it was long past time to grab my coat and head out.

There's nothing to "promote" anymore (as if that's even possible on that fucking platform), there's no one to keep up with, and the whole thing had just kind of devolved into watching people I only kind of knew in high school line up for their chance to compete in the Herman Cain olympics.

So now what?

I guess I'm gonna keep going with this site. Probably gonna do some renovations, try to make things a little more presentable over the next little while, maybe even attempt a couple interviews, but generally just keep on doing what I've been doing.

And seriously, I hate that this needs to be said but I feel like it does because metal has been a fucking toilet lately:

I believe in science.

I don't give a fuck about what color you are.

The only argument against being LGBQT+ is a religious one and I'm not religious.

I cannot fucking imagine having enough spare time/ energy that I would wanna micromanage who or how anyone else lives/ dresses/ fucks.

I try not to support bands that are complete assholes but I'm old and I hardly bother to keep up with "scene news" anymore so if I write about a band that has said or done something stupid or controversial I probably have no idea. Feel free to hit me up and we can talk about it.

I'm far from a perfect ally, but I try to be a decent guy.

If you're a cool person we can hang out.

Just please get your fucking shots.



Aenigmatum - Whirlwind chaotic death metal with a hint of melody on 20 buck spin. Bought this on a whim because it's on a label I like and I thought the album cover was cool. Feels like putting your brain in a blender with a bunch of shards of shattered mirror.


Black Magnet - When people I only barely know tell me that I'll REALLY like something I tend to avoid it just to spite them which is what happened here, but I finally came around and yeah, this is pretty killer. Reminds me of "Mind is a Terrible Thing..." era Ministry meets Pitchshifter/ Godflesh.


Cerebral Rot - Grimy "old school" death metal from modern day Seattle that does pretty much the exact same thing that all these bands do... Lucky for them I've been a sucker for this style since back in the actual early/ mid 90's so I really dig this.


Rotorvator - Weirdo industrial/electronic tinged black metal from a while back. Stuff like this has been a big influence on where I see our music heading in the future.


Nekrasov - Similar to above, but Australian and with an even heavier dose of electronic noise. Stuff like this was what I really wanted to do back when we started THNGRVD. It just took me over a decade to figure out how to make the drums work.


Video Games:

Espgaluda II



Cure - Kiyoshi Kurosawa



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. *shameless* i'd be down for an interview if you choose to go that route *shameless*

    1. Right on, i'll let you know once i start working on that stuff.


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