Dawnless Dreams
So, we’re pretty realistic about the fact that maybe like four people on earth actually listen to our music. Like seriously, there’s four. I can name them. But man… Those four people are gonna shit when the new tracks hit bandcamp and they realize we’ve turned into a hulking mutated gene splice of early SWANS, White Mice, and Impetuous Ritual. And that’s about all the preamble I’ve got today. Oh yeah, one other thing worth mentioning, I’m gonna start writing about movies now too. I don’t always have time to watch one every day, but when I do I’ll make a quick note of it. - Muzak: Eyes of Fire - So, I saw these guys with Trivium, Danzig and Kataklysm ages ago. 2004 maybe? Or was it 2005? The exact date is now lost to the grey fog that is slowly consuming my mind, but what I do remember is that I wasn’t feeling all that well that day (recovering from a severe bout of food poisoning the night before), and my then-girlfriend dumped me in the car during the drive to the show. Turns out sh...