Degree in Hecticness
Been jamming around with the Octatrack, TR-808, Model: Cycles, Guitar, and Moog. Sounds pretty rad. Still really digging the idea of doing something that sounds like the cold/ weird side of techno meets tribal drumming and the distant/ ambient parts of metal. Other than that, not much to report, I keep almost pulling the plug on this site because hardly anyone is reading, but like most things I keep on keeping on because it beats just sitting around watching TV. - Lewd - Every time I bring up Lewd it seems like people think I mean the old punk band, but no... This is the monstrous early 90's mechano-dirge Lewd from The Netherlands. Fans of SWANS, Pain Teens, and Zeni Geva definitely take note if you’re not already familiar. Side note: One of these guys (I think it was the singer?) did a couple pretty cool harsh noise/ power electronic type albums under the name DMDN back in the day. There was one called “Sling Trip” on RRR Records that I might actually still have on one of my shel...